

Conservative dentistry

Includes a wide array of services related to the anti-caries prophylactics and curing the existing deficiencies. The technological advances make the visits less stressful, and thanks to the use of the modern anesthetics, painless.


Children dentistry

Pedodontrics deal with prophylactics and treatment of the youngest patients within the scope of:

  • teething process and any related interferences
  • teeth treatment - primary teeth and permament teeth
  • treatment of the mucous membrane
  • caries related prophylactics (sealing and varnishing the teeth)


Dental surgery

A field of medicine which deals with surgical treatment of the mouth cavity and the surrounding area. The office offers extraction of the primary and permanent teeth and implantoprosthetic surgeries.



It deals with the diseases of the pulping and penapical tissue. The treatment is conducted by removing the infected or dead pulp from the pulp cavity and the root canals. Next the canals are widened mechanically and furnigated and finally filled in with a special paste. The precision result is achieved by machining the canals with a endodontic engine, assessment of the canal length with an endometer and by taking digital pictures.

Teeth whitening

White teeth are a feat - both in private as well as in professional life. Such result may be achieved by getting a proper teeth whitening treatment.


We offer:

a) night tray-based teeth whitening - the patient applies the treatment himself at home, with a soft rail and a whitening gel. The process lasts for a week, effects are visible after the first day.


b) whitening of the dead teeth - the substance is inserted into the cavity and sealed for 3 days. The treatment is repeated 3-5 times.

Professional hygienisation

Hygienisation is a perfect prevention measure against tooth diseases. It comprises of

  • scaling (removing the tartar with the use of ultrasounds)
  • sanding (removing the residue without damaging the enamel)
  • exogenous fluorization, which is a preventive measure against caries and oversensitivity.


Digital roentgen diagnostics

Radiological examination has a great importance in dental diagnostics. The digital Roentgen imagery, thanks to the reduced radiation and short exposure and high resolution are an alternative to the traditional measures. It is a very important argument - the patient is protected from the detrimental impact of ionizing radiation.



See Dental Studio

Opening hours:

Monday 13:00-19:00
Tuesday 13:00-19:00
Thursday 11:00-17:00
Friday 09:45-15:00
ATTENTION! Coming to the office please follow street. They run towards STADION. See the route to us

Trzy Dęby 12

Kolbudy 83-050

+ 48 782 177 472

+ 48 604 824 845

Register a visit

+ 48 782 177 472

+ 48 604 824 845