Monday | 13:00-19:00 |
Tuesday | 13:00-19:00 |
Thursday | 11:00-17:00 |
Friday | 09:45-15:00 |
It is a non-invasive, and at the same time, a permanent method of closing the gaps between the teeth. The final effect will allow you to smile without any thoughts about the condition of your teeth. There is a preview option available - we may put temporary composite veneers on your teeth. Your job is to meet friends for a couple of days and see, whether they notice the difference.
The composite veneers are then removed, without any problems or damaging the teeth. In order to apply the porcelain veneers, the teeth must be, sometimes, slightly sanded (e.g. when they are not levelled-off), but we often put the veneers on intact teeth surface with a special glue, that reduces the risk of "losing" the veneers.
They cover the whole surface of the tooth, which is a must in case of greater damage resulting from caries, decay or innate imperfections. The teeth are made out of cosmetic porcelain, without any metal support which is present in ordinary "porcelain crowns". It often makes the gums look dark, which is not very pretty when we smile.
These are applied in case of teeth that are damaged or discoloured, weakened with the occlusal conditions, dead, and sealed many times, that may be broken. The supports are also applicable in case of bridges, in the situation when the missing teeth are to be complemented, and the bridge is supported by the teeth on both sides of the gap.
It is a more permanent, prettier and more functional, healthy alternative of the "seal".
If the whole tooth is to be restored, an implant is inserted into the jaw bone - it acts as the root - and then, after it heals up, the laboratory creates a top part - an artificial crown of the tooth, which is to be connected with the implant with special elements.
Complex prosthetic works, e.g. connecting permanent works in the mouth cavity with an extractable part with special sliders or latches.
Sometimes, when many or all teeth are missing, and there is no way of implanting them, a non-fixed prosthesis must be created, which not only restores the teeth, but also reconstructs the soft tissue.
Prosthetic repairs include all repairs of the non-fixed prostheses - acrylic, skeleton, inserting new teeth in the existing prosthesis etc.
Dental night guards and whitening trays. We create individual guards for whitening the teeth that use a special preparation adjusted by the doctor. Their purpose is to change the teeth color (by even a few tones). The dental night guard is a corrective measure.
Information for the medical practitioners:We would like to start to cooperate with dental offices in Gdansk and its neighbourhood. Please send us your contact data, so we can provide you with the proper offer. Our e-mail:
Monday | 13:00-19:00 |
Tuesday | 13:00-19:00 |
Thursday | 11:00-17:00 |
Friday | 09:45-15:00 |
Trzy Dęby 12 Kolbudy 83-050 |